Thursday, 1 September 2011

The sunny 16 rule.

This evening i learned a handy new tip called the Sunny 16 rule .It is a fairly simple rule to learn and very handy too .It was use in the olden days before modern technology of digital cameras .way back when the world was black and white an you had to start ya car with a cranking arm at the front of the car,like the 60s,70s and 80s .
Basically when photographers was using this stuff called film.Photographers had to carry light meters around with them where ever they went .Now days the DSLRs do that bit for you .But lets say you didn't have time in the olden days to take a light reading and you just wanted to shoot .Photographers had to devise formula's to get around this problem .the sunny 16 was one of said formula's.Its simple and very useful  even in today's digital world .
On a clear sunny day at an aperture of f16,you will get a evenly balanced shot if your shutter speed is inverse to your ISO speed.
For example;On a sunny clear day you have f16 and a ISO of 100 your shutter speed should be 1/100s.
Or if you are using f16 with ISO of 400 your shutter speed should be 1/400s.But if you want a fully focused shot you might need to select a higher aperture such as f22.the formula will still work.But for every stop up you go you need to bring your shutter speed down by one stop.for example ;
f16, ISO 100, 1/100s.
f18,ISO 100,1/80s.
f20,ISO 100,1/60s
f22,ISO 100,1/50s
Its all about getting the right balance .its a simple formula.But this does not  mean that this only works on a clear and sunny day .there are other formulas to this .
The snowy/sandy f22 rule
The overcast f8 rule
The slightly over cast f11 rule
The heavily over cast f5.6 rule 
The sunset f4 rule
Like the saying goes. You learn something new every day !

On putting this theory to the test I have come up with the conclusion its either a load of bollocks or harder than it looks .I was getting dark under exposed shots .Especially when i tried to apply the stopping up to f22 procedure ..
Not impressed !
Maybe with a little more practice, I might nail it on the head .If so ill give me verdict .