Friday 28 October 2011

I got an idea .

With nothing much to write about today.spending my entire day off work watching DVDs.I have had a pretty unproductive day.But my wife did ask me to get some shots of our baby girl. Photo op !!. She didn't have to ask me twice to get my camera out .I love playing with my camera.I got quite a few shots but nothing to jump up and down about .Obviously they were all beautiful shots being of my baby daughter,But this shot i REALLY did like.Such a simple shot but without a doubt one i will treasure for ever.She is actually watching the tv here.She gets that from my side i think :0).I have actually been looking on facebook at some other photographers baby shot work .Some that i follow on my photography page specialize in taking baby portraits with knitted hats and bonnets and producing shots so lovely that some of the shots even make me broody for more kids.I totally intend to get some lovely baby shots of my little princess.But my god its hard work .The second we try to pose her she wakes up and has different ideas.I will have to do some research on the net on how to pull these beautiful baby shots off perfectly.I see a huge market for baby portraits like these.If i didn't take this shot here of my baby girl id totally pay myself a million pound for this .Give or take a couple of quid anyway ..I shot this with the Canon 5D mkII using 70-200 mm f4 L usm lens.
focal length of 200 mm at f4 with a shutter speed of 1/200sec ISO at 250.The camera was in shutter priority .Seems just lately my Favorite shots I'm getting are of my children.Maybe this is how i will make my millions.I'm not too optimistic am
One of my ideas i have been toying with is to visit local charity shops and purchase props for my art.Lovely soft throws,Blankets in brilliant white, wicker baskets etc anything i can find to make my photographs stand out from the rest.I don't think it will take long to get a selection of props together.Then instead of doing what i have been doing,Which is offering my services out at £50 a shoot.Which i think is bloody cheap for the amount i have spent on my photography equipment.People don't realise how much photography equipment costs.I have a new plan.Do the shoot for FREE !!. You must be must be bloody mad i hear you say.No, Not mad there is a method to my madness.Do the shoot for free,Edit a selection of the shots i think are the best.And then stick a huge intrusive watermark right across the image.Place the images in an online pass worded album,so only the customer can see the images .And then let them choose the shots they like and charge them per image.Then get the images printed professionally as my printer is crap..
I can hear you saying to your self ,Is this bloke a fool or something ? This is how photographers do it all over the world ..Well this maybe the case and i'm the first to admit it. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box .But at least i get there in the end .After all i am very new to photography, I have only been doing it since January just gone.If you have any advice for a beginner trying to make it in this very competitive field i welcome any advice you can give me.Anything you can suggest on how i can turn my art into pound notes would be awesome .
If you would like to come and follow me on Facebook,I have a photography page on there which i have been posting images since ...Well January just gone . You can find me under Darran Anthony amateur photography.
Come and see what you think.Or just leave me a comment below if you cant be bothered to find my page on Facebook.Well thank you for reading,I hope iv entertained you for five minutes if nothing else :0)


  1. A beautifully natural shot Darren. Just a quick comment about the freeshoots. People should pay you for your time, skill and passion for photography. Dads opening weekend for the studio was free shoots all bank holiday weekend we booked 12 out of those only 3 people bought photos. I hope it wasn't because they didn't like them we took some lovely shots (in my opinion of course). If someone doesn't pay they then feel no obligation to buy prints if you see what I mean. :) I would be interested in buying some of your hd landscape work and I love the Iggle Piggle/soldier shots you took they would look great on a card or as a print in a kids room. X

  2. Thank you for the advice Kay.Its just such a competitive market.And people just want something for nothing these days.I had loads of people interested in getting some shoots done at £50 a i know but i'm not a pro so i cant charge the money of a pro.The second i mentioned i wanted £50 nobody was interested any longer.
    Would love to meet your dad and get some professional ideas from him.But i understand he is hardly gonna want to give another togger advice who he might deem as a local competitor .Not saying im of his standard but still someone in the same field as him.I got another idea im gonna set my website up properly and have my images on there with a sale price for each one .maybe make a bit of money back from that.

  3. We charge £40 for an hours shoot and our print prices start at £4.50 you wouldnt be suprised to hear that people think we are too expensive lol I've looked at loads of photographers and some the prices out there are extortionate I know people with a £4000 debt with venture or have paid say £65 for a shoot and then pay £15 for bad quality 6x4 it makes me mad. You should POP into our new studio in Folkestone I know he is there today and tomorrow..
