Monday, 24 October 2011

I want to be inspired

Just lately I'm feeling a little uninspired.And i want my mojo back .Maybe because iv been a little preoccupied lately,Having 3 children to look after.And the fact i have nothing to shoot.I live on a flat marshland where pretty much NOTHING goes on EVER!.I have photographed pretty much everything that is remotely interesting within walking distance from my house.And to be fair kind of bored taking the same photos over and over again.I want something different to shoot.But what ? that is the question.I am interested in urban exploration but i don't know of any abandoned hospitals or derelict buildings in the area.Another thing that interests me is macro photography.I have been looking around for my next lens.sometime in the new year i would like to buy a 100mm f2.8 macro but another huge question that faces me is L or non L ? I have seen reviews on the net from the Digital rev guys.And Kai Wong from Digital rev says there really isn't much between them.obviously the L version does give you a slightly better quality image and it does have image stabilizer for those hand held macro shots.I would also like to put a EF 15mm fisheye on my wish list .But this all cost money.And photography doesn't seem to earn me a lot of money.I need to start promoting my self a bit more.letting the world know im here to take their picture.I have lots of ideas in my head as what makes a good photo and quite capable of creating a piece of art for anyone who wants it .
For now i will have to stick to the equipment i have until that starts to make me some money to pay for its self .And then i will expand.After all you don't need a true macro lens to take macro shots.There is ways around it.Close up filters,extension tubes,macro bellows and turning your lens around the other way.You can get some pretty good results from this to. This spider was shot using a Canon EOS 1000D with 18-55 mm Kit lens with a X10 close up filter attached .      
Bugs are great to shoot macro with .Another good subject to shoot is to go raiding through the kids toy box and dig out some suitable subjects like iggle piggle..
Will this be how i find my inspiration? playing with my childrens toys ? who knows ? even if it is,Is it a bad thing ? after all toys are fun.My kids love them.Well i think i know what i will be up to tomorrow on my last day off work.Watch this space to see what i come up with.

1 comment:

  1. i have to agree it does all cost money and unfortunately does not pay all too well. if really interested in pursuing this do as i did and ask friends if they'd like their photo's taken for a price, possibly even weddings.
    looking at your work i'd say you've potential to see the art around you. for interest i might try some of the above you suggested instead of the use of a macro lens. thanks and good luck
