I like to have the finer things in life.Some people might think its being stupid with money.But i'm a huge believer in ,You get what you pay for .Camera lenses for example.If you are going to be passionate about something and invest time,heart and money into it.You are going to want to see good results.
Now you might be saying to your self,An exspensive cooker doesnt make a good cook. And in a way you are right.But lets face it,You are not going to cook the Queen a banquet in a microwave oven are you. NO!! you are not!.You as a photographer need to get the shot right first and foremost .But im bloody sure my pictures i will take with my DSLR and pro grade L lens is going to take a better picture than,Say someone shooting with a mobile phone,Even if ya Nokia has a Carl zeiss lens in it .But,Im Not saying that if you only have a mobile phone to shoot pictures with you are not as good as me or you are crap at photography.I have a friend who has recently aquired an interest in photography.Six months or so back he was selling a Canon EOS 350 D for someone.He offered it to me,But i had no use for it nor the money to be honest.My advice to him was to keep it and use it.Which he didnt.He continues to take pictures with his camera phone.He does have a bloody good eye for a photograph and i would imagine he is kicking himself for not keeping it .Iv seen some beautiful pictures he has taken with his mobile phone.But never the less,Despite how good a phone he has he is still very limited to the options he can use.ISO,Depth of field,Shutter speeds,Auto exposure bracketing.Armed with a proper camera im sure he will make for a bloody good artist.The foundations are already there.He has got the eye.
Anyway getting back to the subject.The finer things in life.In this case L lenses for Canon.With their delicious red ring of love and UD elements.Just holding one gives me a semi.You look and feel like a pro walking around with ya camera sporting L glass.Walking around taking pictures people in general just don't pay attention and walk past,But you can always spot the photographers having a quick glance at ya tackle so to speak.Its like people who are into cars.When ya see a Ferrari roar past you rubber neck a quick look.And considering these L grade lenses are rolling in at around £1000 + you can pretty much pay as high as the moon for one.Even searching eBay for one you can pay MASSIVE amounts for one. In fact they are selling on eBay for almost as much as they are new probably only shaving a couple of hundred quid off of one .Unless you find one with a scratched front element,internal dust and fungus to boot then you might get it at half the original price.Well,Like i said before i like to look for bargains on the net.Now this lens is probably the cheapest L lens on the market.But i found it for even cheaper.Probably only any good to you if you are living in England.And you can find a store with any in stock.Other wise you will have to order it in .
Canon 17-40mm 4.0L U Digital SLR Lens for only £449.99.......
That is bloody cheap !
Normally this sells for around £700 a throw.Argos of all places have got this lens on sales at this price .Saving a lucky photographer a massive 1/3 of the price .Perfect for landscape photographers with its wide angle.And constant f4 aperture and its ring type usm which give a really fast and silent auto focus.
Iv not checked but i wouldn't be surprised if these was more expensive on eBay for second hand.Well there you go,Another great deal.Thanks for reading.please feel free to leave a comment below if you found any of this useful.Or even if you already own one let me know what its like .
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