Sunday 30 October 2011

WOW !!! What a great deal !

In this time of the hard up and lack of cash everywhere these days .Where THE MAN is bleeding us dry every second of every day.Tax hikes and heating and fuel cost forever on the rise.Its a wonder the honest hard working people can afford to even eat these days.We have fallen upon hard times people and we need to look out for each other if we are gonna come out the other side of it .I haven't had a pay rise this year and if I'm honest with you .I wouldn't bet my life I'm gonna get one either .Its getting to that point where i think if the government could,They would go the other way and give the working class a pay deduction rather than a pay rise if they thought they could get away with it .
Well the other week i was going through my usual websites i normally look at....No !! not porn.
Photography websites ,After all that's my bag isn't it .I look for a good deal on various different sites and the other week i found one .Compact flash memory cards are NOT bloody cheap.But while searching amazon i found 8 GB Sandisk ULTRA 30MB/s for only £17 including postage .Considering i paid almost £60 for my 8GB Sandisk EXTREME 60MB/s. At first i thought to my self ..These are gonna be a bit shit aint they. Half the speed of the extreme.I bet its well noticeable .But i thought Stuff it ill give it a whirl.After all i am a bit skint at the moment and I was getting rather pissed off with running out of memory card space as i only had the one 8 GB CF memory card which my Canon EOS 5D mkII takes .17 quid and a 5 days later my memory card turns up and to be bloody fair ...I don't notice a difference in performance.In fact i would have to open up the flap and check which card is in the slot because i wouldn't be able to tell.The cheaper Ultra modal keeps up with my photography NO PROBLEM.In fact I'm so happy with my purchase that on pay day i might even buy another one.After all its always handy to have a few to hand .day trips out with the family,Holidays,Even intensive photo shoots.If ya lucky enough to get some big bookings that is . ;0).So i feel as i got a bit of a result the other day.And because I'm a top bloke.I feel its only right to share the love with the masses and keep you informed of the good deals i come across on the Internet.And i do come across some bloody good deals from time to time .And as you guys are good enough to spare a few minutes of your life to read the ramblings of a bored man sat at his computer.It accrued to me only 20 minutes ago i should offer you something back.So if you want a compact flash memory card,Get yourself on amazon and get the 8 GB Sandisk ULTRA which is only £17 including postage .you will not be disappointed .

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